
Dış Medya
Professional Biography
EDUCATION 15 January- 15 May 2018 Certified in the five -month course by Elita Academy in the program: Policy Knowledge 2012-2014 University "Aleksander Xhuvani" Faculty of Professional Sciences Master of Science, History-Philosophy branch 2009-2012 University "Aleksander Xhuvani" Faculty of Education Sciences, Citizen Education Branch, Teacher Work experience 2020 – present Owner and general director for the online media Info Elbasani 2018-2020 Participated on Projects for non profit organization on Gender Balance Issues with the support of UN Women/UNFPA November 2017- present Marketing Director Bahiti G SECURITY, Elbasan March 2017 - September 2017 Specialist / General Directorate of Mortgage, Tirana December 2013 - March 2017 Bank Manager no. 1 Office of Pension / Albanian Post, Elbasan TRAININGS AND QUALIFICATIONS 2020 - Freelancer Publicist - I have published more than 40 articles that are shared on different social media in Albania and abroad. 2019 – Albanian National Youth Network and non-profit organization CRCA delivered the title the person of the year who has contributed to improve youths live in Albania. 2015-2019 Member of Municipal Councils for local government in Elbasan 25-27 April 2019 Training by Swiss Development Cooperation (SDC) ‘Strong Municipality’ implemented by Helvetas Swiss Inter-cooperation with theme : Preparation of local Trainers who will train candidates for Municipal Councils 25 -30 May 2018 Selected by the German Foundation ‘Friedrich Ebert Stiftung’ as a lecturer and representative of the Municipality in training for high school students with theme : Youth and local Government 15 January- 15 May 2018 Certified in the five -month course by Elita Academy in the program: Policy Knowledge 2017 – Local organization “Nisma per Elbasanin” conduct a survey for the person of the year in Elbasan and I was selected among 20 youths. 2-15 December 2017 Part of the Social Innovation and Management Program at the organization ‘Code Albania 23 - 26 November 2017 Seminar from the Foundation "Friedrich Ebert Stiftung" with the topic Western Balkans Future Leaders in Budva, Montenegro 18 - 21 October 2016 Training by OSCE Albania and the Institute of Public and Private Policies and the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Foundation with the theme "Role and Local Government Authority (Expectations and Challenges) 2-3 June 2016 Training by USAID Albania. "Effective Council and Effective Counselor" April 16, 2016 Training for the National Development Vision on "How to Become a Successful Diplomat" 23 - 27 January 2016 Traineeships from TRSA Albania and UNICEF Albania with the theme 'Safe Internet for Children in Albania' 11- 17 November 2012 Participant in "Health Week" in collaboration with World Vision Albania and Directory of Public Health in Elbasan 20 - 28 March 2011 Participant in the training "On the help of people with disabilities" Center Balashe, Elbasan.
Mobile phone
Üzgünüz, ANİSA BAHİTİ henüz herhangi bir blog yazısı yayınlamadı.